Saturday, 5 June 2021

A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Volumina - Alright (15 November 1992)

Volumina was a one-off collaboration between German DJs and producers, Tommi Eckhart and Andreas Doreau.  Although the collaborative’s name translates as “Volumes”, the prevailing sound in Alright is experimental and surprisingly intimate despite the club beats and an excursion into raise the roof synth play at 2:57, but it doesn’t dally with that long before finding its way back to the softer, liquid sounds that form the basis of the track. 10 points to anyone who can recognise the source of the female vocal sample that opens the track and wends its way through it right to the end.  It sounds like it's been lifted from a film noir soundtrack and its whiny, insistent melody - somewhere between that of a tired, tetchy child, a cat wanting to be let in from the rain to be stroked and a chanteuse holding a smoky Berlin club spellbound is probably going to be the main thing that you take away from listening to this.  But it’s an intriguing hook to hang the track on and it works very well indeed.

Video courtesy of Galaxy Groove.

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