Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Oliver! appendices: The K-Creative - Zen Flesh Zen Bones (16 February 1992)

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Before we can continue to move on through The Comedy of Errors, we must and I mean MUST take a step back to the days of Oliver! and a track which was on my want list when the blog covered Peel’s show from 16/2/92.

As promised you get funk drum beats and guitar (sounds very James Brown to me, but I’m not sure from where), sales slogans, Tibetan children singing, flute scales and in its final movements, an attempt to try and aurally distill the dread of a Lucio Fulci film.  The recording has been taken directly from Peel’s show and ends with his (cough) endorsement.  It’s a gem and I’m so pleased to be able to include it here at last.

Video courtesy of Zen Bromley (who was part of the K-Creative)

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